Friday, December 27, 2013


Somehow when people are traveling they forget about risk management and in doing that they put you at risk... Thank goodness we can commit our journey to God and he takes care of us.

Unlike India..... Which has rather "random" driving as I think of it, South Africa has supposed structure to make driving safer, efficient and less stressful - one wouldn't think so by the number of accidents we see just driving between JHB and Howick.

The sad part about these accidents is all the lives that are affected by them in one way or another and very often it's the innocent that take the beating.

How do we reduce the accident numbers? This is an ongoing project and why we can't get it right beats me.

It seems to me that there is no consequence, or very little consequence for bad driving managed by our government - the consequence that is in place is not strictly managed and thus people have the freedom to do as they please, resulting in the carnage we see on our roads.

So, what do us " goody goodies" need to do about the situation then?

Well, I will leave that up to you..... I'll continue to try and make a difference wherever and whenever I can, in some way or another, and if pressure needs to be brought on the authorities to manage our roads, driving, drivers license process, etc more effectively, then I will be willing to introduce them to the CLIP system methodology and way of thinking.

For me the CLIP system does wonders when it is embraced........

Safe travel readers .......

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Day 2013

Today is going to be a special day for me and one that I have been really looking for the whole year..... Christmas with the whole family.... Brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, great nephews, great nieces, etc........who could ask for more!!!
A special day with special people ..... Life is too short to miss out on these occasions, so in 2014 we will have to bring about some change where we can fellowship more often than once a year ..... We are all getting on in age now!!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

2013 Comes to a close

An eventful year 2013 was for me. Our business Harmie and Shanie com cc grew really well this year. We took on a full time interpreter ( welcome Phindile), because of the growth in sustainable business thinking training workshops and material writing in our local language ISizulu.
Brian- our resident artist had a good number of commissions this year, even sketching topics outside of his wildlife and portraits. A great sketch of a helicopter for 15 squadron was one of these a normals.
Gail embedded herself in Ethembeni work and has grown tremendously in coping with Govt. Officials.
I have been toiling all year with which direction the company should be going, and suddenly realized that they way we have been going is the direction but, we need to focus on our excellent training products - sustainable business thinking - covering ALL industries and at entry level, middle management and senior levels. Getting registered as a certified training facility with the Dept. Of Ed is a priority.
It is all about keeping it simple, user friendly and leaving participants with ideas they can immediately put into practice to improve the companies sustainability.
So, all that's left to say is...... ROLL ON 2014