Friday, August 29, 2014


I have been pondering much on procrastination this past week, thinking back to when my children were very small and how they deployed ALL the procrastination tack ticks they knew in trying to avoid having to eat their veggies.
My advice to them was to eat the yuk veggies first and end off with the taste they found really good. 

It is much the same in business - if your are a procrastinator then you should start doing the jobs you don't like first. Get them done. Get them out the way. Get them behind you and then you can proceed and have an awesome day, not only doing the things you like but also having a sense of freedom and achievement.

Eat that frog by Brian Tracy sums things up really well. So, if you are a procrastinator pop to and EAT THAT FROG.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

It has been a while - life happens

Time marches on, much water flows under the bridge, people come and people go, babies get born and people pass on, life gets hectic and then calms down, plans are made and plans are changed, money comes in and money goes out, you lose weight and gain weight, rose buds come and blossoms die off, vehicles work and vehicles breakdown, children laugh and children cry, happiness rules then sadness comes, we make good choices and we make bad choices, first it is sunny and then it rains, things run smoothly for a time and then the wheels fall off, you live in a house for 30 years and then you move, your children grow up and then grandchildren arrive, you set the house alarm and then you disarm it, you have nice neighbours and you get bad neighbours, you love the songs sung at church and then you struggle with them,..... 

Life happens.... The important thing is to persevere... It all comes right in the end, and if it's not right now, then it's not the end.