Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Time management is a very important function within the work environment. The old saying "time - use it or lose it" still stands firm today - you cannot go back and use time and you cannot go forward and use time - you can ONLY use the current time, so it is important you use it wisely and make use of pro-active planning to use furture time effectively. To ORGANIZE your time you need to know 2 specific things: 1) How much work is there to do? 2) How long do I have to do it in? Once you have established these two things you need to prioritise correctly considering time taken to do each job function and how important each job function is. Time management brings about a measure of respect within the workplace. People will know and be confident in your meeting of deadlines and giving excellent service - internally and externally, everyone will be satisfied. Isn't that just worth the effort in getting your act together and time managing effectively? The question you must answer then is "time - am I going to use it or lose it?"

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